
About China and a certain Mister Singh

I’m feeling rather excited since I will be heading for Beijing, China this coming July! Most people exclaimed at the foolishness of this decision, citing reasons how crowded and expensive it will be just right before the commencement of Olympics, how riots might possibly form and how one hundred and one reasons not to go.… Continue reading About China and a certain Mister Singh

art · Banter · fashion

A Little Bit of Here and There and Everywhere #1

I should have turned up glamorous, in my “Celia Birtwell for Topshop” daisy dress, a one-piece black see-through with flouncy hems, designed to add an additional spring into each step I take. Nevermind I was not on back-breaking heels but glittery, silvery flats, I felt strangely feminine and empowered all the same. And that is… Continue reading A Little Bit of Here and There and Everywhere #1


Art or what?

Bill Henson is an Australian photographer/artist who likes juxtaposition; of male and female, of youth and adulthood and of nature and civilization. He has also shown a preference for the use of chiaroscuro, an Italian term for clear-dark, making use of light differences to portray his artwork. His 2007 – 2008 exhibition held at the… Continue reading Art or what?